バロック・ヴァイオリン奏者 赤津眞言氏によるレッスン動画から、
Geminiani [The Art of Playing on the Violin] よりエクササイズ 16番( Exercise XVI)です。
「このExampleは2音、3音、4音、5音そして6音など弾くボーイングの様々なやり方を示している。例えば2音は4通りの方法で弾けるし、3音は8通り、4音は16通り、5音は32通り、6音は62通りもの方法で弾ける。”A”のExampleは2音のものであり、”B”は3音、”C”は4音、”D”は5音、”E(F)”は6音のものである。(g) は下げ弓(⊓、ダウンボウ)の意味を表し、(s) は上げ弓(V、アップボウ)で演奏しなければならない。学習者は弓の技法を完全にマスターするまで、この Exampleを根気よく練習しなければならない。弓の技法を完全なレベルまで習得していない者(学習者、奏者)は決して快い旋律を表現出来ないし、演奏の際にそれを容易に達成し得ないということは確かな原理と思われるからである。」
エクササイズ 16番 – ジェミニアーニ[ヴァイオリン奏法]より
These videos show various types of phrasing in different timelines.
Slurs between 2 notes, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
I try to explain as precisely and clearly as possible. These techniques are just ones you usually use in the normal situation. Such a small point nobody realizes you are committed during the performance. Sometimes even you don’t, either! The majority of players hardly realize it so essential to practice these techniques for a higher performance level because it is easy to ignore these kinds of simple basics.
Please consider practicing this exercise as carefully as you can.
Later you will notice that you have surprisingly improved.
Unfortunately, these videos are only in Japanese. However, you can easily follow by watching.
“This example shows in how many different Manners of bowing you may play 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 Notes. For instance, 2 Notes may be played in 4 different Manners, 3 Notes in eight, 4 in 16, 5 in 32, and 6 in 62. It must be observed, that the Example marked with the Letter A is of 2 notes, B-3, C-4, D-5, and the Letter E(F)-6. The Letter (g) denotes that the Bow is to be drawn downwards; and the Letter (s) that it must be drawn upwards. The learner should be indefatigable in practicing this Example till he has made himself a perfect Master of the Art of Bowing. For it is to be held as a certain Principle that he who does not posses, in a perfect Degree, the Art of Bowing, will never be able the render the Melody agreeable nor arrive at a Facility in the Execution.”
Example XVI by Geminiani
Part 1 A~C
Part 1 A~C
Part 2 D
Part 2 D
Part 2 E (Commentary in Japanese and English)
Part 2 E (Commentary in Japanese and English)